Python etc / Python + Perl + Ruby = <3

Python + Perl + Ruby = <3

I bet you often ask yourself: “How do I make a script that can be run not only by Python interpreter but by Perl and Ruby as well?”

Calm yourself down; I've got a solution for you:

"@{[sub {while (<DATA>) {last if /^\"\"\"__PERL__/}; eval join '', <DATA>}->()]}"
__DATA__ = 0

    # Place Ruby code here
    if (2 > 1)
        puts "Hi, I'm Ruby!"

__END__ = 0

# Place Python code here
if 2 > 1:
   print("Hi, I'm Python!")


    # Place perl code here
    use feature 'say';
    if (2 > 1) {
        say "Hi, I'm Perl!";


Here is how it works:

$ ruby script && python script && perl script
Hi, I'm Ruby!
Hi, I'm Python!
Hi, I'm Perl!